Sunday, August 4, 2013

Back to Israel

            After leaving Israel in April due to hole problems, I returned to the project in late June.  We resumed drilling the offshore well to our next casing point at which time I was able to return home late July while the rig ran the casing.  I am scheduled to return to the project on the 8th of August and will remain until the end of the project which should be sometime in September.

            During the time I was back on the rig, the Israeli military ordered  three evacuations from the rig so they could do some missile testing.  During one of those two day evacuations, 17 of us took a trip to Jerusalem.  This trip I had a movie camera which took both movies and snapshots.  We spent our time in and around the old city.  We followed the Stations of the Cross along the Via Dolorosa and visited the Garden Tomb, another possible crucifixion and burial site of Christ.  I was able to capture sights and sounds with the video that I could not with my SLR camera I was using in February.  I will be updating and adding to the February 11th blog Following Christ's Path to the Cross with some of the pictures I took in July.

            When I leave the project for the final time, my intention is to fly to Frankfurt, Germany, then take another flight to Paris, France.  I will spend a couple of days in Paris taking in the sights before taking a train to Normandy to tour the WWII battlefields.

            At that point I will return to Paris, then Frankfurt and home.  I will be posting photos and descriptions of that portion of my trip once I return home.

Helicopter landing on the rig helideck.  Some transportation occurs by helicopter, mostly the travel is by boat.

Photo taken on the helideck of the sun setting in the Mediterranean Sea.

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